E x h i b i t i o n s
* Stormloop, groupexhibition, Herentals
* Art Brussels, Tour&Taxis, Brussels
* Presentatie grafiek en tekeningen, V-editie, Antwerp
* Mare, solo show, DMW Gallery, Antwerp
* Salon des Artistes, group show, Ronse
* But morning never came, solo-exhibition, Gallery Gerhard Hofland, Amsterdam
* My mam’s name isn’t Carol, duo-exhibition with Bram Kinsbergen, d’Apostrof, Meigem
* Art on paper, duo-exhibition with Denitsa Todorova, Bozar, Brussels
* The Knight has fallen, duo-exhibition with Tim Volckaert at DMW Artspace, Antwerp
* Selection of paintings and drawings during Antwerp open studio days.
* The Artist’s studio, groupexhibition at Z33, Hasselt
* A Whole Variety, groupexhibition at temporary artspace LWM18, Antwerp
* Popo-caté-petl, groupexhibition at Veilingshuis Bernaerts, Antwerp
* New works, exhibition preview & publication ‘Paradigmata’, Antwerp
G r a n t s
Laureate, third prize, for the drawing contest ‘De Grote Prijs Tekenkunst Ronse’
Laureate, second prize, for the drawing contest ‘Prijs Tekenkunst Heist o/d Berg’
Selected for Art Extension Project; internship and residency in Berlin
Me d i a
Gallery Viewer Magazine, ‘Joris Vanpoucke / Art that pulls the world apart’, 4 May
Gallery Viewer Magazine, ‘De natuur in tijden van maatschappelijke veranderingen’, 8 May
The Art Couch, ‘Mare, de eerste Belgische solotentoonstelling van Joris Vanpoucke, 29 August
Het Parool, ‘Jochem Bouwens: ‘Samen kunst kopen lijkt me erg lastig’’, 30 April
Gallery viewer, ‘10 Belgische/Vlaamse kunstenaars’, Oscar van Gelderen
De Morgen, ‘Welke andere belegging schenkt je zo veel geluk?’, 28 March
The Art Couch, ‘De hoogtepunten van Art on Paper, Brussel’, 28 October